

Chartreuse (#7FFF00) is a highly saturated and fairly neutral and balanced shade of green commonly associated with young (78.9% match), innocent (76.6% match), and sporty (76.5% match). When Chartreuse is combined with Pea Green, it appears agile and young. When joined with Almond Frost, the mood becomes more agile. When Chartreuse is added to Fluorescent Yellow, it evokes innocent and agile feelings. When paired with its complementary color #7F00FF, a warmer and less saturated variant of the shade "Electric indigo", it can convey colorful or bright emotions. However, when we analyze the color next to its other triadic colors, #007FFF (a shade of "Azure") and #FF007F (a shade of "Rose"), the resulting palette becomes warmer than the complementary color palette and changes from the color index category of "dynamic" to the "classic" category. Specifically, the new triad produces a tropical and bold atmosphere.
Color of #7FFF00

Palettes using "#7FFF00"




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