The hexcode
#BC05E1 is a lighter, cooler, and less saturated variant of the shade "
Deep Magenta". By itself, it is commonly associated with
impress (94.9% match),
enchanting aura (94.5% match), and
intense (93.8% match).
When Deep Magenta is combined with
Dark Magenta, it relates to the terms
shock and
grape. When joined with
Russian Violet, it becomes more related to the term
escape. When Deep Magenta is added to
Deep Cerise, it shares association with the terms
insanity and
When paired with its complementary color
#29E105, a darker, warmer, and less saturated variant of the shade "
Lime Green", it shares connection with the terms
confuse or
However, when we analyze the color next to its other triadic colors,
#E0BC04 (a shade of "
Golden Poppy") and
#04E0BC (a shade of "
Turquoise"), the resulting palette becomes harder and warmer than the complementary color palette and changes from the color index category of "
dynamic" to the "
classic" category. Specifically, the new triad is most suggestive of
equal and