

The hexcode #C1A4B3 is a lighter, warmer, and more saturated variant of the shade "Lilac Luster". By itself, it is commonly associated with sluggish (96.1% match), control (96.1% match), and charming (95.1% match). When Lilac Luster is combined with Silver Pink, it relates to the terms feminine and charming. When joined with Thistle, it becomes more related to the term translucent. When Lilac Luster is added to Languid Lavender, it shares association with the terms care and bleached. When paired with its complementary color #A4C1B2, a cooler and more saturated variant of the shade "Laurel Green", it shares connection with the terms feminine or nostalgia. However, when we analyze the color next to its other triadic colors, #B2C1A3 (a shade of "Laurel Green") and #A3B2C1 (a shade of "Cadet Gray"), the resulting palette becomes harder and warmer than the complementary color palette and changes from the color index category of "pretty" to the "romantic" category. Specifically, the new triad is most suggestive of fashionable and elegant.
Color of #C1A4B3

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